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Reiki Today
There are many different ideas about what Reiki really is, how it is used and what it stands for. Reiki is a very simple hands on healing modality that is becoming very popular in our world today. Physicians and nurses are beginning to recognize Reiki’s healing potential and have added this service to clinics, wellness centers, hospitals, doctor’s offices and private home offices. Reiki isn’t a cure but rather a compliment to conventional medicine and is one of the more widely known forms of energy healing. Reiki practitioners believe that Reiki clears energy pathways, assists the healing process and helps with recovery from many diseases, conditions and injuries. People around the world have sought Reiki treatments for a wide variety of health related purposes.
Just a few examples include:
- Reiki reduces stress, anxiety and tension.
- Reiki helps with recovery from surgery and anesthesia.
- Reiki eases chemotherapy side effects and radiation from cancer.
- Reiki can lower your heart rate.
- Reiki can relieve migraines, improve immunities, and help insomnia, allergies, burns, broken bones, asthma and many other medical issues.
- Reiki helps chronic pain from arthritis, fibromylgia, back pain and lupus.
- Reiki also helps emotional and mental ailments including addiction, depression and autism.